Tuesday, April 25, 2006

one thing that's serious and a couple that are not

It's no secret that I like to lay out. A lot. Not only do you get tan, but it's also really really fun. Even though I know it is horrible for me, I have never really been motivated to change my behavior. Today, though, I read an extremely informative article in COSMO that changed my thinking. For the most part, It wasn't really anything I hadn't heard before. The article simply discussed 8 common tanning/sun myths, as well as some peripheral issues. I have no idea why it hit me this time, but I decided to actually be resposible and change my tanning habits.

Also, the article discussed the TAN Act, which is currently in Congress and aims to educate the public about the true dangers of UVA/UVB rays. It also pushes for clearer warnings in tanning salons. I was so moved by the article I actually sent a response to my Congresswoman, Hilda Solis, encouraging her to support the TAN Act.

So I'm not sure why I've decided to change things up, but here's to a melanoma free life.

On a lighter note, why have people stopped singing in their cars? It's one of my favorite pastimes. The other day I was jamming on my way home from work, and I noticed that no one else was doing the same thing. I like to go all out: singing, dancing, and of course using the cell phone antennae as my microphone. It must be a lost art, because NO ONE else was doing it. I just don't get it. On a related note (haha), I really really wish I knew all the words to Miami Sound Machine's "Turn the Beat Around."

And finally...I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best in the kitchen. Although I am learning, slowly but surely. Tonight I made a new invention. Spaghettio sandwhiches!! It's so simple and so tasty. All you do is prepare spaghettios like normal, and then spread between 2 pieces of bread. It's awesome!


At 6:20 PM , Blogger Mandy said...


next, i'll teach you apple pie.


and i definitely still rock it out in my car. it's cuz you live in L.A. maybe SoCal people are just too stuck-up for that.

At 7:33 PM , Blogger Lindsay said...

Your posts are great...my steaks are going to have to marinate for a long time to come up with posts like this. You're cracking me up. I can't believe you have changed your thinking about tanning. It's almost pointless for you to live in SoCal with nice weather that you don't even take advantage of. Though I find it hard to believe that I'll ever agree that pale is the new tan, I do take more responsible steps to take care of my skin (ie. wearing 15 spf when I go to the beach).

On singing in your car...I think Mabner was right when she commented that it must be a SoCal thing because people in the capital of the confederacy still sing their hearts out.

At 7:34 PM , Blogger Lindsay said...

Oh...oops, sorry Mandy from Illinois...I thought you were a different Mandy.


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