Saturday, February 10, 2007

stuff i like and stuff i don't

The following are things I like:
1. British bands, particularly Athlete, Snow Patrol, and Keane
2. my french press coffee maker
3. the online game Text Twist
4. driving with the windows down on a warm spring day
5. public broadcasting and radio

These are some things I don't like:
1. Groundhog Day--the whole concept is absurd, and the movie is not that great either
2. when people eat chinese food without using chopsticks...I don't care if it makes me a snob, but eating chinese food with a fork strikes me as ignorant, culturally insensitive, and moronic. It makes us all seem like stupid Americans.
3. not turning off lights and appliances. or more broadly, the overuse and virtual exploitation of energy
4. pretentious talk show hosts
5. mushrooms


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