Wednesday, January 17, 2007

2 ridiculous things

1. I have a new goal for the rest of the winter. It might be outside the realm of possibility, but I don't care. I am going to try to go through the entire winter without buying an ice scraper. It's been warmer than usual so I haven't been faced with too many frosty window scraping moments. A couple of times I've used the edge of a gift card and a couple other times I've just turned on the defrost and let it go to town. Last night there was some seriously thick ice, but I just borrowed from a coworker leaving at the same time I was. I may not make it, but it's like my own little way to defy winter.

2. Today I listened to an archived radio report that reviewed the American version of "The Office" on the day it premiered a couple of years ago. The television critic totally trashed the show. He said that Steve Carrell as Michael Scott fell short, and that the actor who plays Dwight was way off the mark. He said it was forced and not funny, and that the only tolerable moments were the scenes between Pam and Jim. He concluded his review by saying this show should be avoided and added to the many other failures of British copycat shows.

What a moron. Everyone knows "The Office" is completely hilarious. I'm so glad this guy has totally been proved wrong.


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