"Believer" book reviews
Last night I was reading my most recent issue of the literary magainze "Believer," and particularly enjoyed the one-page book reviews. Besides the review itself, each page includes some interesting info about the book and a representative sentence, chapter title, etc. Additionally, the theme/tone of each book is widdled down to a central question. These are often interesting and thought provoking. Here are this month's:Are there any futures worth thinking about? - Love in a Fallen City, by Eileen Chang
Can sense and nonsense, melody and dissonance, together make a single work of art? -
A Fiddle Pulled from the Throat of a Sparrow, by Noah Eli Gordon
From this angle, does the world look tiny or huge? - All Over, by Roy Kesey
What does love look like when two unlovable people incapable of expressing love fall in love? - Laura Warholic, by Alexander Theroux
How many good poems can a person write about quantum physics? - Quantum Lyrics, by A. Van Jordan
Is there any such thing as continuity? - Zeroville, by Steve Erickson
Besides the reviews, I also liked what was written about art critic/writer Dave Hickey in the intro of his interview. I sometimes feel like this...
"His passions are idiosyncratic, he drives at no major thesis, nor is he seeking a revolution in taste or even acolytes. It seems he wants to construct an edifice of true things--or, at least, the least likely wrong things--that can be said about whatever subjects are most interesting and at hand."
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