Thursday, June 08, 2006

long time no blog

so, it's kinda been awhile since i last blogged. a lot has happened since then. here's the highlights. (and i use that word loosely)

**it's sorta a miracle, but i now like coffee. for years i've been trying a little sip every few weeks or so, hoping i'll suddenly like it. then, a couple of weeks ago, i took one of these said periodic sips and loved it. it's like there was some sort of threshold or something. next up: tea.

**my friend faith flew out from new york city a couple of weekends ago so we could film our audition video for the amazing race. so we'll see on that one...keeping our fingers crossed though!

**this morning was one of those perfect mornings, complete with a nice scrambled eggs breakfast. and unbelievable coffee:)

**right now i'm making me some corn on the cob. nothing says summer like some sweet corn on the cob. pun intended. ha.

**i got my first ticket a couple weeks ago. freakin officer ortiz busted me for a u-turn. at first i was kinda annoyed, but then i realized that paying the ticket would be like paying a quarter for every traffic infraction i've ever done. and that seems totally reasonable, so i'm over it.

**i got the special edition dvd of napoleon dynamite. many people dump on that movie, but i think it's 100% hilarious. it gets better and better with every viewing. in fact, i don't think its genius can be accurately described with mere words.

**i've heard rumblings that my hometown of clinton, illinois may soon be getting a 5 screen movie theater. i'm not sure what i think about that. while it may be cool for all the people who live there and spend their existence in a constant state of pure boredom, there's something not quite right about a 3 stop light town having a movie theater. too progressive? i don't know.

**the last couple days i've been thinking of how i'll turn 24 next month. that's weird. official it possible to be dreading something and looking forward to it at the same time? I mean, mid-twenties seems soooo old, but at the same time it's kinda fun to grow up.



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nice work on the links, bloggy bloggerson!

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