Saturday, February 24, 2007

it's a strange world

3 recent happenings from around the globe...

1)In Washington state, legislation has been introduced that would require all heterosexual married couples who do not have a child within the first 2 years of marriage to have their marriage annulled. The pro-gay group who introduced the bill concedes that it is ridiculous and does not expect it to pass. The intention is to counter the anti-gay argument that reproduction is the main goal of marriage. Even though officially introducing this legislature is probably a waste of Washington tax payer money, I personally find it quite clever.

2) A giant squid weighing in at just under 1,000 pounds has been caught off the coast of New Zealand. Wasn't there a pretty bad TV movie about that a few years ago?

3) The President of Zimbabwe has a birthday coming up. The price tag for his party: $300 million. I can't imagine what a person could possibly have at a party that would cost that much. And I thought the kids on "My Super Sweet 16" were bad.


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