Monday, May 21, 2007

almost there

It's about 1 o'clock, and I'm stopped for lunch at Panera about 70 miles outside NYC. Here's some observations so far:

1. Panera has a new salmon salad that looks unbelievable. Today I'm just eating a quick bagel, but I've got to try that salad soon.

2. Pennsylvania really is nice this time of year. The air smells very clean.

3. It's not really that fun driving a UHAUL. It's a little hard to get used to only having side mirrors and no rearview mirror or over-the-shoulder visibility.

4. "Under Pressure" by David Bowie and "I'll Stand By You" by The Pretenders are GREAT songs to sing in the car.

5. Truckers can be really creepy sometimes.

6. This is the first time I've stopped and noticed several people having a thick New York accent. It sounds pretty cool, but I don't think I could pull one off.

7. A few hours ago a passed a sign advertising the "World of Pigeons." I'm pretty sure it was just on someone's private farm because the sign was hardly professional quality. I sorta wish I would've stopped to check it out.

All right, back to the road I guess!


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