Saturday, June 16, 2007

summer travels

Tomorrow I am going up to visit some family in Mystic, CT (town with the pizza parlor Mystic Pizza, which inspired the Julia Roberts movie of the same name). I'm pretty excited about this. It's a very nice New England town, complete with a drawbridge that still goes up twice an hour to let the boats through. Plus, pretty much every member of my mom's family lives within about a half hour of there. I haven't been there in about three years, so I'm pretty pumped to visit.

Then, in about 3 weeks I'm heading down to Ocean City, MD to visit my dad's family. They all live in Maryland, except there's one uncle's family in Delaware. This will be a short visit as well, but will definitley be a fun one since Ocean City is where the whole family goes each summer for a vacation on the beach. The whole extended family goes every year, except my immediate family hasn't gone in several years, mostly because we now live all over the country.

Growing up we'd take a 2 week family vacation to visit mom's family in Connecticut for a week and then drive down to visit dad's family in Maryland for the second week. I tell you all this because today I realized that this is going to be the first time since those family vacations 7 or 8 years ago that I will see all members of my family, immediate and both sides extended, within a 7 month period. These next few weeks will take care of all the extended family, and I saw most of my immediate family in May when I visited Illinois when my nephew was born. Everyone was there except my dad and brother, but I just saw them at Christmas. So there ya go...7 months to see everyone is not too shabby.

Oh crap, I just realized my brother-in-law wasn't there in May and he and my sister didn't come to Christmas in California. But, I did see him at my brother's wedding in November. So I guess that makes it 8 months. That's still really great though. Even though we all have issues and things sometimes get pretty difficult...there really is nothing like family.


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