Monday, March 17, 2008

U2 3D

Last night I saw the U2 3D movie. I had heard that it was awesome, but was completely blown away by just how awesome. It was incredible. Phenomenal. Bono is so freakin cool. So is The Edge.

I had the good fortune of watching it on an IMAX screen, which comes with that great IMAX surround sound... it just added to the beauty. I wiki'd it today and found out that the standard IMAX screen is approximately 53 ft x 73 ft; The IMAX screen where I saw it last night is 80 ft x 100 ft. Later I realized that this screen is taller than ANY building in my hometown.

Seriously, you have GOT to see this. Especially if you have an IMAX theater nearby. Even if you're a moderate or even nominal U2 fan, the experience is totally worthwhile. I normally don't go for gimmicky things like 3D movies, but this is a major exception. It's not necessarily my favorite movie of all time, but it's definitely my favorite movie-going experience of all time. And, it's probably the most entertaining hour and a half I've had in several months. It's just that good.


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