Sunday, July 15, 2007


Maybe I've been living in a major coastal city for too long. Here's 3 things I've realized recently that have contributed to this maybe-conclusion:

1. I attended a 4th of July party where the people I went with were wearing at least something that was red, white, and/or blue. (ex. dark blue jeans, white tank, red cardigan). They had all moved to the city semi-recently. Me? It never crossed my mind...I showed up in all black.

2. Last weekend I was down in Ocean City, MD, and was genuinely surprised and even shocked when this guy walking by said "Good morning" to me. I was looking straight ahead minding my own business...not even making eye contact with the guy. I think I responded with something like, "Huh? What? Oh. Good morning." Then about 5 minutes down the road I was surprised again when an older lady greeted me with the same morning pleasantry. This time I was a little quicker with my response though.

3. I was telling someone the other day how much I enjoy the fact that in the city you don't have to slow down or say sorry when you accidentally bump into someone or step on their foot, etc. You can just go on your way without losing a step and you're not considered rude at all.

I haven't decided yet if these are things I want to change. I don't think they are though. I kinda like it like this.


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