Wednesday, March 21, 2007

stop robbing me!!

I'm so sick of thieves. Steal my heart, sure. But quit stealing my stuff.

This past Friday my wallet was lost/stolen (I wasn't sure which) at my day job. I guess someone had turned it in to security, because I got it back on Monday. However, $130 was gone. At least they left all my cards though...debit, credit, and even Starbucks gift. At the end of the day money is just money, but it's still a major bummer to be out 130 bones.

So fast forward to the next night. I arrive at my night job to find out that my shower stuff has been stolen. So annoying. It's not a huge fitness center by any stretch, and just has one shower. Not a ton of people use the gym anyway, and even less actually shower there. Most ladies just go do some treadmill walking or maybe biking on their lunch hour. Anyway, the night before I had accidentally left my shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, and facewash in the shower. I didn't think much of it, cause I'd be back the next day and didn't expect anyone to really be in there anyway. The weird thing is that they took my shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash, but they left my facewash. Could they seriously not have sprung for the $6 or $7 to buy their own shower products? I mean seriously, come on.

Yeah, I may be a bit at fault...I should perhaps keep an extra eye on all my stuff. But this is just ridiculous.


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