Monday, April 07, 2008

monday schmunday

Tonight is going to be a fun night. In a few minutes I'm heading out from work to join a friend of mine at an advanced screening for "Smart People," starring Ellen Page and Sarah Jessica Parker. I haven't heard too much about this film, especially after all the Sundance buzz calmed down. But from what I have heard it's supposed to be pretty good. Then, it's off to meet up with another friend for the culminating evening of March Madness. For tonight, I proudly count myself as part of Jayhawk Nation!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

great news!

A couple of months ago I heard the first hint of a rumor that New Kids on the Block was getting back together for a reunion show, or even (better yet) a reunion tour. I promptly navigated over to their recently revitalized website and signed up for the mailing list, thereby making sure I would receive all the late breaking news.

Monday, I had an email in my inbox from NKOTB with the subject line "ARE YOU READY!?". No, it didn't announce their concert dates and locations like I was hoping. But, it did announce that they are playing Friday morning on the Today show. This is definitely good news. I don't think they would do this if a tour announcement wasn't far off. And let's not forget, this year marks the 20th anniversary of "Hangin' Tough," so the timing would be perfect...

If they get back together, maybe I should try to organize a reunion of New Chicks on the Block, which was the neighborhood club I started with all the girls and fellow NKOTBers who lived on my block :)