Thursday, March 20, 2008

it's madness, baby!

The movie "Hoosiers" just finished, the kitchen is stocked with beer and soda, chinese food is on the way, my bracket is taped to the wall by the tv with two highlighters (green for games I got right, red for ones I didn't), and I've supposedly got some sort of food poisoning that's keeping me home from work for the next two can only mean one thing. MARCH MADNESS IS HERE!

I'm really excited about my bracket pics this year. Since Illinois is not in the tournament (sigh), I'm not 100% emotionally invested in any of the teams. Yeah, I'm a fan of and like a few of them, but it's not like it is with the boys in orange and blue. So for some reason, the absence of Illinois has made me incredibly liberal with my picks. My final winner isn't all that outrageous, but I've certainly picked a good amount of upsets and surprises. Most of them are completely within the realm of possibility, so I'm really banking on what we all know to be true about this time of year... it's one and done, and sometimes when the planets align just right, virtually ANY team can beat ANY OTHER team once.

Best of luck to everyone with their brackets, and here's to the best two days of the year (with the possible exception of Christmas Eve and Christmas). Let the games begin...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

love it

I'm so glad I live in a place that doesn't take things too seriously and isn't at all prudish. This is the cover of this week's "New York Magazine."

Monday, March 17, 2008

U2 3D

Last night I saw the U2 3D movie. I had heard that it was awesome, but was completely blown away by just how awesome. It was incredible. Phenomenal. Bono is so freakin cool. So is The Edge.

I had the good fortune of watching it on an IMAX screen, which comes with that great IMAX surround sound... it just added to the beauty. I wiki'd it today and found out that the standard IMAX screen is approximately 53 ft x 73 ft; The IMAX screen where I saw it last night is 80 ft x 100 ft. Later I realized that this screen is taller than ANY building in my hometown.

Seriously, you have GOT to see this. Especially if you have an IMAX theater nearby. Even if you're a moderate or even nominal U2 fan, the experience is totally worthwhile. I normally don't go for gimmicky things like 3D movies, but this is a major exception. It's not necessarily my favorite movie of all time, but it's definitely my favorite movie-going experience of all time. And, it's probably the most entertaining hour and a half I've had in several months. It's just that good.